Architectural Lighting and Light Art Festival Tartu in Light | TAVA2020 announces the open call for both Estonian and International artists and designers to create city space light installations and to lead IALD architectural lighting workshops. Everyone who is fascinated by the beauty achieved by light, as well as by the practical value creation of the city space, are invited to apply. The deadline for the applications is 15.02.2020. Read more


In a year’s time, dark Tartu will become a luminous lighting centre, bringing knowledge and warmth into the heart of the city and those of the people via the light. The main events of the Tartu Architectural Lighting and Light Art Festival, or in other words just TAVA2020, will take place from 28 th to 31 st October 2020,but the week before the workshops and the later side program will create a festival lasting almost a month.

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Tallinn invites lighting designers to develop lighting solutions for Bastion Zone parks

Location:                   Estonia, the parks of the Tallinn Bastion Zone

Deadline for submitting applications for participation is 22.11.2019

Organizer:                 Tallinn City Municipal Engineering Services Department

Aims of the idea competition

The aim of the design competition is to find the perfect lighting design solution for the parks of Tallinn’s Bastion Zone. Our goal is to create safe, pleasing, energy-efficient and innovative lighting solutions for the parks, the design of which would last for decades in our climate.

With the thematic planning, the municipality of Tallinn is looking for answers to the following questions:

  • What, how, and how much should be illuminated?
  • What role can lighting play in valuing parks?
  • How can lighting help attract more people to the parks in the evening?
  • What kind of lighting can provide a feeling of security for residents while at the same time protecting the environment and the starry sky?


  • First place/winner – € 8,000 (plus € 7,000 contract for the Kanuti Garden sketch project)
  • The other two participants – a prize of € 6,000 each

All amounts include VAT.


Location:                   Estonia, Tallinn, Baltic Station pedestrian tunnel and the pedestrian tunnel under A.Laikmaa and Narva highway crossroads.

Deadline:                  07.11.2017 at 13:00

Organizer:                 Tallinn City Municipal Engineering Services Department

Purpose of the design competition is to improve and beautify the pedestrian tunnels. Making the atmosphere safer and visually more appealing. The overall purpose is to enhance our city’s environment and to introduce a playful and creative element to our everyday commute.

Competition is open for all artists, designers, architects, lighting artist and lighting designers.

Lighting installation must be:

  • clever and innovative, using modern technology.
  • eye catching and possess potential for media coverage.
  • lighting design may include the whole tunnel or a part of the tunnel.



1st place                    3 000 €

2nd place                  1 000 €

3rd place                   1 000 €


Budget                      30 000 € (inc. VAT) for both tunnels

End of construction    01.02.2018

For more information:



OPEN LIGHTING DESIGN COMPETITION „Lighting design for Tallinn’s Small Coastal Gate Bastion in celebration of Estonia’s 100th anniversary“

Location:                   Tallinn

Deadline:                   20.10.2017 at 15:00

Organizer:                 Tallinn City Municipal Engineering Services Department

Purpose of the design competition is to find the best lighting design for Tallinn’s Small Coastal Gate Bastion in celebration of Estonia’s 100th anniversary.

Competition is open for all artists, designer, architects, lighting artist and lighting designers.

Lighting installation must be:

  • eye catching and attractive.
  • express the history, present and future of the Estonian people.
  • possess potential for media coverage.
  • visually appealing during both night and day.
  • interactive, using different mediums and technologies.
  • must fit the surrounding areas.
  • viewable in at least 180°.

Lighting installation implementation:

  • project realization must be technologically possible and must suit the surroundings
  • weatherproof (used luminaries must be min IP55)
  • must last minimum from 10.02.2018 – 28.02.2020
  • used text must be both in Estonian and in English (may include options for additional languages or and interactive way to change language)
  • design must be within budget limits.
  • must not require 24/7 guarding.
  • no light pollution.
  • must include an information plaque including information about the installation and about the 100th anniversary of Estonia.



1st place                    3 000 €

2nd place                   2 000 €

3rd place                   1 000 €


Budget                      50 000 € (inc. VAT)

End of construction    10.02.2018

For more information:


Idea competition for lighting Tallinn old town walls


Ideekonkursi tulemusena valmiv valgustuslahendus on sisendiks Tallinna linnamüüri ja linnamüüri tornide valgustamiseks.

Konkursil osalejate meeskonnas peab olema valgustusdisainer (kas IALD või sarnase rahvusvahelise organisatsiooni liikmelisus või haridust tõendav diplom). Ülejäänud meeskonnaliikmed võivad olla arhitektid, elektriinsenerid, valgustusinsenerid, valgustite tootjad ja/või nende Eesti esindajad.

Ideekonkurss on kaheetapiline. Esimeses etapis valib žürii konkursil osalejate varasemalt teostatud tööde referentside põhiselt välja 3 (kolm) osavõtjat, kellele tehakse ettepanek esitada võistlustöö.

Teises etapis hinnatakse esitatud võistlustöid ja valitakse välja ideekonkursi võitja. Kolmele võistlustingimustele vastava võistlustöö esitanud osalejale makstakse preemiad.

Ideekonkursi preemiad on järgmised:

1. koht 8000 eurot

2. koht 7000 eurot

3. koht 6000 eurot

Osalemistaotlus esitada 19.07.2017 kell 11.00 ja võistlustöö 11.09.2017 kell 11.00

1st EALD Conference: “Creating a night-time identity of a city”.

28.09.2017  from 9:00-18:00
Location: Museum of Estonian Architecture, Ahtri 2, 10151 Tallinn

Estonian Association of Lighting Designers will hold its first ever conference on the 28th of September 2017. The conference consists of lectures, workshops and panel discussions focusing on the topic of light in our surrounding public space. We will take a look at the problems that we face in Estonia concerning light. Such as the long depressing darkness during our winters and the light pollution brought about urbanization. In addition, the conference will shed some light upon what goes on during the planning stages of lighting design and we will try to answer the question of how to improve lighting design and planning in our cities and in Estonia.

The conference will be held in English.



Ticket price: 40€
For students: 25€
For EALD members: 10€




09:00 Registration – 30 min
09:30 Introduction – 30 min
10.00 Allan Ruberg I part – 60 min
11.00 Break – 15 min
11.15 Allan Ruberg II part – 60 min
12.15 Break – 15 min
12.30 Anna-Liisa Unt – 30 min
13.00 LUNCH
14.30 Sabine De Schutter – 60 min
15.30 Joonas Saaranen – 30 min
15.45 Break – 15 min
18.00 THE END



Allan Ruberg is the Head and founder of ÅF Lighting, which is part of ÅF Consultancy Group. Allan is responsible for the continuous development of ÅF Lighting, which today employs 90 dedicated lighting specialists located in offices around Scandinavia: Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö.  Allan is a driving force in developing lighting consultancy as a profession in Scandinavia and has 20 years of experience in the field of lighting consultancy and design. He has been working with all aspects of lighting from functional road lighting to scenographic lighting design. As Head of ÅF Lighting, Allan ensures a positive development by working closely together with architects, public authorities and industry partners. ÅF Lighting, under Allan’s leadership, has created an impressive amount of award-winning lighting projects.

Allan Ruberg will be giving a lecture on how to work with a user centered approach to public lighting. In addition, he will be addressing the key issues in successful public lighting design. Public lighting is the backbone of the visual environment in our cities, it shapes how the city can be used and how it is perceived. It is, therefore, of the out most importance that it is planned to support the visions and policies of the city.

The presentation will also give a status and some answers to some of the most important questions regarding the performance of today’s LED luminaries for public lighting. Finally, he will present a number of realized projects with good examples on how a well-planned lighting design makes a difference when it comes to  energy efficient and creative public lighting solutions.

Sabine De Schutter is the Head and founder of her own lighting design studio – Studio De Schutter. Sabine is a lighting designer, design thinker and educator, with a background in interior architecture. Simultaneously, her passion for working with people led her to study design thinking, which trained her in different pedagogical methods and techniques to create human-centered design. Besides working on different lighting design projects, Sabine is an IALD Educator. She has been awarded number of Lighting Design awards – Best Newcomer 2014, Best Young Lighting Designer 2012. In 2016 she was nominated in 40-under-40 for lighting designers. Sabine De Schutter was also in the organizing team of TAVA16.

In her presentation Sabine will be giving examples of a variety of projects in which she has worked with a great sensibility to darkness, shadow and light. Taking the well-being of animals and humans into account, she has redesigned the public lighting in parks, questioning the notion of increased safety with increased light. This lighting concept has revealed the potential of designing a nocturnal environment. This talk will give an overview of the potential and the risks of light through temporary and permanent projects.


Anna-Liisa Unt is the founder of her own landscape architecture company – Lahe Atmosfäär. She has given lectures in Estonian University of Life Sciences for almost 10 years. Today she is also the cityscape design specialist in Tartu Town Government and the head editor of landscape magazine ÕU. Anna-Liisa can be characterized by her extreme sensitivity and skill to feels the relationship between a person and the room. 

Anna-Liisa is presenting a “poetical palette”, in which she will be talking about the possibilities in designing a Nodric City with and without light.  Our summers are bright and warm and thus dedicated urban design is natural. The dark and cold winters, on the other hand, introduce a major challenge for designing enjoyable outdoor environments. According to her own words, this polarity hands us a diverse set of tools for manipulating the borders of light and darkness.


Joonas Saaranen is the co-founder of WhiteNight Lighting. In his lighting designs, he wishes to challenge darkness with light to create contrast and contour.

Joonas has studied Industrial design in Rovaniemi, Barcelona and Berlin before obtaining his degree in in architectural lighting design in Stockholm Sweden KTH ALD 2009. He has worked across Europe in lighting design in both large scale corporate level companies and in independent agencies. Currently he is combining both of his passions, lighting and luminaire design at WhiteNight Lighting.

The Nordic light is a combination of extremes, from endless days to dark gloomy hours. This unique variation of light creates an endless source for inspiration. In his lecture he is going to introduce some his latest creations.